There will be a limited number of availability spots for players in each division. Please register in advance, at the Town Parks & Rec website

There is no Town residency requirement for Summer Basketball, so friends and relatives are welcome to join as well. Please use your current school grade (2023-2024) when registering.

Teams will be created in advance, and referees, once again, will be provided. Players are rotated in and out of the games on an equal basis. Younger groups will have a practice session prior to each game, to work on skills development. 

Playing schedule, by division, June 3-July 25, 2024:
Monday's 6:00-7:30, Girls, Grades 2-3
Monday's 7:30-9:00, Girls, Grades 4-5 (may move some games to 6:00-7:30)
Monday's 7:30-9:00, Girls, Grades 6-9  
Tuesday's 6:00-7:30. Boys, Grades 4-6
Tuesday's 7:30-9:00, Boys, Grades 7-8
Tuesday's 7:30-9:00, Boys, Grades 9-12
Thursday's 6:00-7:30, Boys, Grades 2-3   
Thursday's 7:30-9:00, Men

Players may request to play up in an older division. We will also strive to accommodate requests for players to be on the same team, as much as we feasibly can do. Please send requests to Barry McCabe at
Rather than separate men's divisiions of 24U and 25 & up division, we will have one combined division of 6 teams this summer. We will spread out the older group among teams, creating younger and older groups within each team, thus enabling similar age groups to play in the same rotations against each other.

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